COVID-19 UPDATE: 4/10/20

April 13, 2020 6:29 pm

Today, Fresno City Manager, Wilma Quan, issued a new Emergency Order 2020-13, which supersedes the prior Emergency Order of March 18, 2020. The new Order is effective Saturday, April 11, 2020 (Friday, just after midnight) and will remain in effect through 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 6, 2020.
The intent of this Order is to ensure the maximum number of people self-isolate at home to slow the spread of COVID-19, and preempt critical strain on healthcare services.
Significant business changes include:

  • Essential Businesses are directed to maximize the number of employees who telework. (2.3)
  • “Businesses that include an Essential Business component at their facilities alongside non-essential components must, to the extent feasible, scale down their operations to the Essential Business component only; provided, however, that mixed retail and wholesale businesses that are otherwise under this order may continue to stock and sell non-essential products.” (2.4, emphasis added)
  • Essential businesses must post their Social Distancing Protocol (Appendix A) as a notice by Wednesday night. The posting size must be at minimum 11×17 inches. Businesses may be asked to provide proof of implementation. (2.5)
  • Specifically, Essential Businesses must (as applicable):
    • Limit the number of people in the facility (2.5.1)
    • Mark 6-foot increments where there are lines (2.5.2)
    • Provide hand sanitizer, soap/water, etc. near the entrance and at other locations (2.5.3)
    • Provide contactless payment systems or disinfect after each use (2.5.4, emphasis added)
    • Disinfect high-touch surfaces regularly (2.5.5)
    • Screen employees and visitors as directed by Fresno County (2.5.6)
    • Require employees to wear protective facial coverings (2.5.7)
  • A more detailed list of essential and non-essential businesses is posted on the City of Fresno’s website at

The timing of this order also coincides with restricting multi-household gatherings this Easter weekend. As per Section 2.6: “All public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household or living unit are prohibited, except for the limited purposes as expressly permitted herein. Nothing in this Order prohibits members of a household or living unit from engaging in Essential Activities together.”

The penalties for non-compliance with this Emergency Order may result in business closure.  As per Section 2.8.23: “For repeated or egregious violations of the required closure, limitations, or social distancing requirements at a business location or facility, a police officer, with the approval of the Police Chief, or designee, or a code enforcement officer, with the approval of the City Attorney, or designee, may summarily order a business to terminate operations and close until further notice, or for the duration of the emergency.”

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